Karma Calling: In a Game of Lies, Telling the Truth is a Crime

Just when Rose thought her life couldn't get any worse, she instantly got the call that changed her life and world. Panic set in as she was grasping for help to save herself and her children. Had this been his strategy all along? Was this some sick orchestration? Could someone be so malicious as to stare, with a charming smile, into her eyes and fake empathy? She saw that same smile when he told her, "We will work this out." This is the same smile that sent chills down her spine. She knew at that moment he had been lying all along. Her intuition was too strong.
She had covered for Marcello's game of lies for years. In a sudden realization of all the times she had been honest, he made her out to be the scapegoat, as if the lies were her own. She never thought he would use his life of lies against her. He was a true chameleon. A gut-wrenching reveal of truth. In this game of lies, telling the truth is a crime. Read or listen more in the suspense thriller "Karma Calling." A story based on actual events and narrated through storytelling.
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